fwimen's art

my name is fwimen, and i make digital art!
my twitter is where i would post most of my art works, but for starters you can look around my gallery!🖌️
Fwimen's Gallery
here i will be publishing most of the things i've drawn!
all rights reserved to me.

full body=10$
complex full body (means wings, or other adds)=15$
(note that when you choose a full body, or a complex full body you gotta specify which position you would like it to be in. not every position would be accepted and you will discuss every detail with me before purchase)
simplfied background=free off charge, that is after you choose a deal of the oc
complex background=10$
Side Objects
1 side object (pet, etc...)=3$~10$
(the price can go higher depending on the complexity of the side object you'll be asking for)
all rights reserved to me.
terms of service

1. i accept dollars and dollars only, any other type of money will not be acceptable.
2. if you wish to pay for my service, first look into pricing and check what exactly do i offer. there are 3 things in a package which i would draw and some of them are optional. the optional objects are backgrounds and side objects. which means you would need to at least choose one deal from the OCs section, and don't have to choose anymore deals from the other sections if you don't want to.
3. when you ask me for a deal, don't forget to include a reference of what the character you want me to draw should look like. not any character would be accepted. here are some example of characters i would refuse to draw:
A. furry characters
B. characters that are not humanoid (meaning characters who don't look like humans at all)
note that these are not all the things i would probably refuse to draw, and the things i choose not to are depending on the look of the character.
4. when it's time for the payment, know that there would be no refunds what so ever. once the payment is received by me my work will begin.
by paying me for an art request you are agreeing that the art work can be done in aproximatly 2 to 7 days of work. you are also agreeing that i can choose when do i actually begin my work, when do i take a break, for how long that break would be, and when do i finish the work.
5. on almost every artwork i produce, a signature of mine is added into it.
you can ask me to send you the picture of your art without the signature. but when i publish it (which in most cases i am) i publish it with my own signature.
6. do not reproduce my art for profitable gains.
with all that being said, i hope you can find it in your hearts to understand why my tos seems so harsh and long. you can reach me out on twitter/discord to ask questions.
all rights reserved to me.